Indonesia to host 2014 R4 World Rafting Championships

By Sportscene

(Please see update made on 5 February 2013!)

Indonesia has won the right to host the 2014 R4 World Rafting Championships after the International Rafting Federation (IRF) voted for the Asian nation to host the event for the first time.

The event will run from 27 November to 5 December, with a Pre-Worlds event to be held from 1-7 December in 2013 to provide the competitors an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the location.

The Indonesian’s fought off a strong bid from Brazil, with the IRF favouring Indonesia as the event will be held on the natural Citarik River, which provides a spectacular and challenging environment for the world’s best paddlers.

Secondly, one of the IRFs main goals is for ‘universal development’ and they are hoping that the 2013 competition in New Zealand will generate interest from the Asian nations leading into the 2014 competition.

The event will be organised by the Federasi Arung Jeram Indonesia Rafting Federation.

Citarik River
The Citarik River is located within close proximity if the town of Sukabumi in West Java.

The competition will be held during wet season with temperatures varying from 20-28 degrees, with the water for the course coming from the Mount Haliman National Park.

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