The remit of the Judges Committee is Raft Race Judging.
- The Judges’ Committee is responsible for advancing ARTICLE 5, Section 8 of the Bylaws, and shall serve as consultants to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee on all IRF policies and decisions that are related to judging issues.
- The Chair of the Judges’ Committee shall be a duly elected member of the Board of Directors who is an active certified Judge Assessor.
- The members of the Judges’ Committee shall be composed of 5-7 active Judge Assessors who are appointed by the Executive Committee and the Committee Chair.
- The responsibilities of the Judges Committee includes, but is not limited to:
- Recruiting new Judges and potential Judge Candidates.
- Creating, revising and updating workbooks and examinations.
- Scheduling and running workshops and examinations.
- Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date database of certified IRF Judges.
- Developing and maintaining a fair and credible process for ranking IRF Judges.
- Offering the services of judges at national- and international-level rafting competitions.
- Reviewing any post-event judging issues or complaints and advising the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee on a course of action relative to these issues or complaints.
Committee members:

Goran Lolic (Chair)

Eric Boudreau

Yuni Yunita

Pieter Bekkers

Jozef Kytka

Stan Hajek