The remit of the Sustainability Committee is Sustainability.
- The Conservation (Sustainability) Committee is charged with advancing ARTICLE 5, Section 13 of the Bylaws, and shall serve as consultants to the IRF Board of Directors and the IRF Executive Committee on all IRF policies and decisions that are related to Conservation.
- The Conservation (Sustainability) Committee shall be appointed by the IRF Executive Committee and the Conservation (Sustainability) Committee Chair.
- The Chair of the Conservation Committee shall be a duly elected member of the IRF Board of Directors who has experience in developing policy and directing issues related to river conservation.
The Conservation (Sustainability) Committee shall be responsible for:
- Identifying endangered rivers which are important to rafting and develop effective methods to educate the rafting fraternity and the general public on the issues surrounding those rivers.
- Establishing policies to help guide IRF members in sustainable conservation practices and environmental awareness.
Committee members:

Kianoosh Mehrabi (Chair)

Emilia Begunova

Hanieh Goharipour

Sean Clarke

Vladimir Miletic

Jean-Claude Razel