Interview with Peter Micheler – Vice President International Rafting Federation

by Sportscene

The 2012 Youth & Masters World Championships have come to a conclusion and Sportscene spoke to International Rafting Federation Vice President Peter Micheler post event.

This year’s Championships produced some exciting racing across all four disciplines with the sprint, head to head and slalom disciplines being contested down recently re-developed Ceske Budejovice Whitewater Stadium, while the downriver was raced down the Vltava River, from Vyssi Brod to Rozmberg in the Czech Republic.

Micheler, a former canoe slalom star who represented West Germany for two decades, is now Vice President of the International Rafting Federation and was pleased with the event as a whole.

We started the event in Ceske Budejovice on the new artificial course there and we had a very good standard of competition.

The slalom discipline provided a real challenge for the younger athletes, having to navigate a highly technical and very demanding 14 gate course.

“It was a very tough course for the youth teams, and for all the teams it was an experience they have never had before.”

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