Race Rules – explained

We’re launching a series of short articles that will bring you in closer touch with the IRF Race Rules.

We’re hoping that these articles will help you become more familiar with the rules and maybe explain why some of these rules are there. Here is the first article –


These definitions are there so that we all end up using the same terminology for the same things and so prevent confusion and create a better understanding.

  • Event = Any IRF recognized competition
  • Level  = Used to distinguish Events by level of  importance –  A, B, C, D
  • Open = for our adult open division (16yrs +)
  • Division = Used to distinguish an Event by age or ability – Youth, Junior, Open, Master
  • Category = Used to distinguish a Division by gender – Men, Women, Mixed
  • Development Phase = rules are set to be more flexible at this stage
  • IRF = International Rafting Federation
  • BOD = IRF Board of Directors
  • S & C Comm = IRF Sport & Competition Committee

Other Race Rules Articles:

  1. Race Rules – definitions used
  2. Race Classification – A level events
  3. Race Classification – B level events
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