Breaking news re World Rafting Champs 2014 and 2015!

We are very pleased to announce a change in location for the World Champs in 2014 and the location of the 2015 World Champs!

Itaipu Canal, Brasil

2014 World Rafting Champs will now be held in Foz do Iguassú, Brasil, using the Itaipu Canal for Sprint, H2H and Slalom and the Iguaçu River for the Downriver. Dates for the event are 4 – 7 September 2014 (was 29 – 31 August). Pre-event dates to be held in 2013 will be announced shortly.

2015 World Rafting Champs will be held on the Citarik River near the town of Sukabumi in West Java, Indonesia. Dates for the event will be late November/ early Dec 2015 with the Pre-event dates about the same in 2014.

We had received two excellent bids from these two countries for the 2014 WRC and the IRF S&C Com was very hard pressed to make a choice and, in fact, was disappointed to be not using both these high standard bids. In the end Indonesia fractionally outweighed Brasil and was chosen.

Citarik, Indonesia

But as the closing date for bids for 2015 came with no offers, the IRF consulted with the Indonesian and Brasilian organisers and Indonesia agreed to host the 2015 WRC as their river is able to run with R6 rafts, whereas Brasil’s course is only really suitable for R4. We are therefore in great debt to Indonesia for making this compromise for us and to Brasil for stepping up once again for 2014.

This has become a win/win situation for all – the IRF, organisers and teams will now all benefit from these two great locations and event organisers.

More details will follow soon.

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