Did you know ….

Here are some interesting things from the World Rafting Champs 2013 …

  • In the Russian U19 team some of the paddlers were selected from and orphanage and given the opportunity to train up to be raft racers – their hard work and dedication paid off! They’re the U19 World Rafting Champions!
  • Slovakian Open Women have been together for 10 years now and have 10 kids between them, the youngest being 2 years old!
  • NZ Masters Women only got to train together for the first time about 2 weeks before the event.
  • Chile men’s team – they are all related – either brothers or cousins.
  • Sam Daley of the Great Britain U19 team has been undergoing cancer treatment since early this year and still did a fine job at the WRC.
  • Red Ladies of the USA knocked the team that had dominated for 10 years off the top slot so as to be selected for the WRC 2013.
  • Great Britain women have come 5th four times in a row at the WRC!
  • The Adidas Sickline extreme kayak triple World Champion (2010, 2011, 2012), Sam Sutton, was in the New Zealand Open Men’s team at the WRC 2013
  • Nick Chater gave one of his Gold medals to Raewyn Larcombe because he knew that without her the event would never have been held in New Zealand  – a well deserved medal!
  • Milan Lovrencic (familiar Judge) raced in the Slovenian team in 1995 CWWC because one of their team members was injured at the last minute.

Send in any little notes like this about your team members or other people you know from the WRC 2013 to IRF media ….

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