Let’s learn to Samba!

This year many of us will have the privilege  of travelling to Brasil, the home of the samba! With our R4 World Rafting Champs happening there we should be learning about this typical Brasilian dance.

“Samba is a Brazilian dance and musical genre originating in BahiaBrazil, and with its roots in Rio de Janeiro and Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions. It is recognized around the world as a symbol of Brazil and the Brazilian Carnival. Considered one of the most popular Brazilian cultural expressions, samba has become an icon of Brazilian national identity.” says Wikipedia.

1477949_423944041066549_1953128523_nBrazilians love to dance and sing! The biggest carnival in the world is held in Rio de Janeiro and the sounds of the samba are synonymous with it. Brasil are the R6 World Rafting Champion’s and many of us are very familiar with their enthusiasm with the drums and instruments at every event and their keenness to create a lively musical vibe so typical of Brasil.

So come on people, let’s get prepared for their country!

Let’s first start with the basic samba moves. This is one of the thousands of clips that can be found on YouTube. So let’s start there.

And her is a video compilation of a number of different samba dance steps to enrich your dance choreography

Men and women dance the samba differently. Women usually have heels on so they dance on the balls of their feet. Men usually have flat shoes and so dance more on their heels. The arms movements are more exaggerated with the women.

Here is a video illustrating men’s samba.

And this is a good blog to learn more about samba dancing

The music can be used not only to learn how to dance, but also as a motivation while training to raise the spirit. Here is a nice mix so choose what fits your ear:

We hope this has inspired you and so you will not be shy to dance in Brazil. And once you’ve got this all worked out you’ll be ready and fit enough to take on the white water of the Iguaçu course!

Music connects people – the beautiful Brazilian people and the seductive rhythms can spin your head, Brazil can steal your heart, but do not be afraid, catch the rhythm, relax and enjoy.

Brazil ….  la, la, la, la, la, la…

en English