The second day of competition was the Open Sprint and H2H. As I expected it was spectacular in both disciplines.
First it was the Sprint where the CZE1 team defended their title from last time, NED1 achieved a fantastic result and climbed onto the podium at 2nd place, while the experienced Italian ITA1 took third place.

In the women’s category the title was not defended and the result was as follows: SVK 1 first, NED 1 – an excellent result – second, GBR 2 took third.
H2H gave us more of a fight than we saw the previous day. The most interesting race was the struggle between GBR1 and TUR1 teams who exchanged places during the whole run. An extreme effort right at the end on the flat water saw GBR1 take the win.

CZE1 team once again defended their title and second place was defended by CEZ2, a a well deserved third was taken by the incredible GBR2 team. An interesting result was the SRB1 team taking 15th place in Sprint and fighting their way up to a great 4th place!
During the last race the rain bathed us a little and left.

Day Three is about to begin with a lovely sunny day and soon the Slalom begins.
P.S. We are always praising the rafting mother, but there are a lot of rafting fathers who are commendable too. Congratulations to you all because you manage to be parents and athletes.