Other rafting development stories

We did an article recently on Developing Rafting in your Region, here are some more stories ….

Did you know there is rafting in Mongolia?

Mongolia Opening CeremonyMongolia became a member of the IRF at the end of last year and this year saw them running their first rafting competition.

Mongolia SlalomThe event was R4, on the Tuul River (Class 1) near the City of Ulaanbaatar and run according to the IRF Rules. They had a great start with 18 mixed teams (3 men, 1 woman) and there is now a great interest in rafting amongst the youth!

Mongolian Rafting Federation

Argentinian lovers of rafting ….

Germán Bavas tells us: “We are from San Juan, Argentina. Actually we don’t have access to a big or important river nearby, but anyway, we sent 3 teams to the Argentinian Rafting Championship!  We train in the lake or travel to the Mendoza River where we rent a boat from the AARAFT and ask a friend to use his paddles.

We do what we can, because we love this sport!

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