World Cup series – 2016

Just as there is a Euro Cup series, we also hold a similar series at a World level. Any teams who attended two or more of the World Cup events have their points totalled up to find the World Cup series Champions each year. So far we’ve never had any one team attend two events in the one year!

EC Wildalpen 1This year the World Cup series will be held at the following locations:

  • Austria – 16 and 17 April – EC Wildalpen. This event is well known and is one of the most popular EC events.
  • China – 20 to 25 July – it is the first time that China will be holding a fully fledged rafting event based on the IRF Race Rules. It will be based in Yushu City, Qinghai, and they will be making extensive use of IRF judges and organisers to ensure the event is well run and according to our rules. There will also be BIG financial support for teams that come!!! More info soon.
  • Japan – 7 to 10 Oct – Pre-Worlds in Japan will also be a World Cup series event. Japan are hosts to the 2017 World Champs and so will be running a Pre-event this year as a practise run for themselves and to give teams a chance to come race at the location.

Any team that attends two or more of these events will be in the line up to win the World Cup series title. The points allocated to them will be added and the top team will be the winner in their category.

Who can race at these events?

  • Any teams can race!!! Each event must be open to any teams from any country and there is no qualification procedure other than the paddlers MUST be able to race on the grade of river that the event is to be held on and fit in to the age requirements of the IRF. (If the Safety Director decides they are not able to then that is the final word.)

More information about how the series works

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