Day 3 of the Euro Rafting Champs about to begin

The Euro Rafting Champs is about to enter it’s 3rd day which will be a day of Slalom for all divisions (U19, U23, Masters and Open). WATCH LIVE or follow LIVE RESULTS

ERC TrainingSunday saw many teams doing some unofficial training and, due to heavy rains that had fallen, the teams were enjoying a pumping river at the Tacen track. Unfortunately, the rains also started bringing down some logs! The Safety Director had to close the track for practise, so the teams switched to the channel to practise their starts. Photos

Monday was the first official day of training and the clouds dispersed and the sun came out. The number of teams on the track during the slalom training was huge – a real crowd! All in all, a lot of fun was had on the course and happy rafters faces. Photos

After the training was finished everyone gathered in Straza for the Opening Ceremony. Excellent hospitality was provided by the Mayor of Straza – Dusan Krštinc, and the event organizers.

Photos of Opening Ceremony

The first race day saw the U19, U23 and Masters teams doing Sprint and H2H. Russia and Czech took quite a number of medals home that first day! What was also excellent to see on this day was the return of the legendary “Bober” team, who won all 5 of the first Camel White Water Challenges and the first two IRF World Rafting Championships before they retired. They competed in the Master Mens category and in their first race back they took gold!

ERC u19..23, M - M..WResults:

  • Sprint
    • U19M – RUS1, ITA1, CZE1
    • U19W – RUS1, RUS2, ITA1
    • Master Men – SLO1, CZE1, CZE2 
    • Master Women – SVK1, RUS1.
    • U23M – SLO1, SLO2, RUS1 
    • U23W – RUS1, CZE1
  • ERC JUdges


    • U19M – RUS1, TUR1, RUS2
    • U19W – RUS1, CZE1, ITA1
    • MM – CZE1, SLO1, CZE2
    • U23M – SLO1, SERB1, RUS1
    • U23W – RUS1, CZE1

Another important mention is the historic achievement of the SRB1 U23 Men’s team, which, for the first time in the history of this country, achieved a medal from the ERC.

The second race day saw the Open teams competing in Sprint and H2H.


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