Euro Cup rafting series closes for 2017

And here we are, summing up another Euro Cup season that is now behind us. 

We had a difficult beginning to the season with two competitions being cancelled at the very start, one because of excessive amount of water (Tacen, SLO) and the other because of the lack of water (Slunj, CRO), and then the first EC that was held was Wildalpen and that was under the snow! 


However, I think this competition will stick in everyone’s memories, precisely because of all

EC Vrbas

the snow! We’ve never had an Euro Cup under snow in it’s 10 plus year history.​ ​

EC Vrbas

Despite the fact that the WRC this year is the R6, many teams have concentrated on R4, as many EC competitions were also national qualifications for the R4 WRC in Argentina next year.​ So we saw 77 teams in R4 and 41 in the R6 category.

EC Trnavka

Wildalpen is still the most popular competition, followed by Italy, which is in beautiful country side with excellent artificial course in Ivrea, and always a good water level for Downriver. This year was my first visit to EC Trnavka (read more), and a personal insight into this such simple construction, but such technically difficult path, and the confirmation of everything I had thought about it. 

Now it is time to announce the winners for this season. 

Euro Cup 2017 R4 winners:

In the men’s category, first place went to Vipiteno (ITA 1) with 1645 points, second place went to RK Hodonin (CZE) with 1360 points, and in third place it was HANACE Rafters (CZE) with 1293 points. 

In the women’s category, first place went to Italy 1 with 1937 points, second place went to Liquid Ladies (NED) with 1644 points, and third place went to Rafting Ladies Hungary (HUN) with 1411 points. 

R4 Results: Men; Women

Euro Cup 2017 R6 winners: 

In the men’s category first place went to RK NEKTAR Dajak (BIH) with 1820 points, second place went to RT Gimpex 1 (SLO) with 1784 points, and in third place was SRK 

Bosna (BIH) with 1538 points. In the women’s category first place went to Adventure Net (BUL) with 2000! points, second place went to ST Atom Kozlody (BUL) with 1760 points, and third place went to TR Omega (CZE) with 900 points.

Results R6: WomenMen

Congratulations to the winners.

I hope that when the racing calendar for next year comes out, that besides Romania we will have other new competitions on there. 

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Thank you Stan H., thank you to all the organisers, thank you to all sponsors and competitors… And so, my dear rafters, it is time to leave this Euro Cup season behind us, start turning to the new one, you were fantastic this year and I can not wait to hang out with you in next one. 

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