Exactly one year to go to the 2019 IRF World Rafting Championships (WRC) which are to be held on the Tully River in Queensland, Australia.
This past weekend saw the wrapping up of the Pre-Worlds there, where the organisers had a chance to test their systems, and rafters got to test the course! It was also the Australian National Selections, so all the Australian teams that were first in their categories will be racing in the WRC next year – and there is nothing better than a home competition to bring the best out in paddlers!
The river was at a great height thanks to the controlled letting out of the water by Kareeya Hydro Electric Power Station.
Team Teikei from Japan, who came second at the last WRC in the Open Men’s category, were there to experience the river and familiarise themselves with the location. Despite having a 35 second surf during their one Slalom run they still managed to dominate their category.
The category winners were:
- Open: Teikei (JNP)
Masters: Raging Thunder Racing (AUS)
- U23: Eco H20 (AUS)
- U19: Queensland Crocs (AUS)
- Open: We Got Pink (AUS)
- Masters: Aqua (AUS)
- U23: Thunder Down Under (AUS)
- U19: Throw The Boob (AUS)
The team “Cairns Throw Together” will join the teams above to be the ones to represent Australia next year at the WRC.
Full Results
The 2019 WRC will be held over 7 days from 13- 20 May 2019.
Event director and former world champion rafter Graham Maifredi said the event would showcase a “piece of paradise” to the world. “Tully and the greater Cassowary Coast region have been Australia’s white water ground zero since the early 80s,’’ Mr Maifredi said. “The upcoming 2019 IRF World Rafting Championships pays tribute to the Tully River and the rivers of the Wet Tropics. Water is life, and we are lucky to have such prime rivers. We hope to see you here when the world comes to town.”
Minister for Tourism Industry Development Kate Jones said hosting the 2019 IRF World Rafting Championships was a real coup for Tropical North Queensland. “These Championships will take place in the Cassowary Coast, a well-known adventure tourism destination,” she said. “Participants will compete against the beautiful backdrop of the Tully River set within Tully Gorge National Park – a UNESCO World Heritage Rainforest – showcasing Queensland’s reputation to host Australia’s best live events in the best destinations.”boost for the region’s economy.
“There is an exciting vibe throughout the region in anticipation of this upcoming event,” said Mayor Kremastos. “We live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, and it will be wonderful to have the spotlight on us and to showcase to the rest of the world what this region has to offer.” All eyes will be on Tully as the event will be streamed globally with millions of viewers tuning in from around the world.
The 2019 IRF World Rafting Championships is being staged in partnership with the Australian Rafting Federation and with the support of the Queensland Government, through Tourism and Events Queensland, as well as Tropical North Queensland, the Cassowary Coast Regional Council, Wet Tropics Management Authority, the Department of Environment and Science and the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing.