ERC 2018 Slovakia guests - JPN OM team

ERC 2018 Slovakia guests – welcome JPN OM team

ERC 2018 Slovakia guests – Japan Open Men. It’s been ten years since we first met the Japanese OM team at the World Cup in Bosnia in 2008.

This team’s setup has changed since then and we had the luck to seen many of the old team members again in Japan, competing in the Masters category in WRC 2017. This is where they attained the success they had 10 years previously by winning first place in this category.

TEIKEI is a club that has had impressive success so far: 3rd – WRC 2007 Korea; 2nd – WRC 2009 Bosnia; 1st – WRC 2010 Holland; 1st – WRC 2011 Costa Rica; 2nd – WRC 2013 New Zealand and then 2nd – WRC 2017 Japan.

But now, and over time,  under the well-known name TEIKEI (which is a major traffic security company in the Tokyo region), we witnessed changes in the team setup.

So, let us introduce the team that will represent their country in Argentina at the WRC in early November, and are the ERC 2018 Slovakia guests where they are preparing for further success and measuring the strength of the European teams.

ERC 2018 Slovakia guests – Japan Open Men team members:

ERC 2018 Slovakia guestsSatoshi Koizumi
Position: Left back
How long have you been in rafting? Since I was 18 years old.
What do you like about rafting? I like the feel of the water and catching the energy of the river.
Favourite discipline? Down river. Because DR has the story always.
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? Enjoy it and Teamwork!
The craziest moment in rafting? I was washed in a hole for 30 seconds.

Keita Nakahashi
Position: Right middle
How long have you been in rafting? 7 years, and the last 4 years it has been competitive rafting.
What do you like about rafting? You can taste thrills that are not in daily life. Drinking beer with everyone after racing.
Favourite discipline? Slalom, because you need to be able to read river flow and make instant judgements.
Do you have any expectations relating to the result and what are your expectations generally? Win in Argentina and Australia. Transfer knowledge to the young and make a team that will win in the worlds.
The craziest moment in rafting? When I entered the team and practised to keep paddling for 4 hours in the first year. I did not really understand what exercise was on its way.

Kosuke Yoshinaga
Position: Left front
How long have you been in rafting? 8 years, since I was 18; 4 years as a student and 4 years in this team.
What do you like about rafting? The process to achieve the purpose with teammate.
Favourite discipline? Slalom, many styles of each countries.
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? Become a world champion and add many values to rafting.
The craziest moment in rafting? Everyday practice.

Yuta Fujikawa
Position: Right front
How long have you been in rafting? Began when in university; approximately 10 years.
What do you like about rafting? It is refreshing. A sense of accomplishment. Exciting!!
Favourite discipline? All! When I finished all of it.
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? Burn out. Give all. So that I can look back and see it was a good race.
The craziest moment in rafting? Seeing a paddler of the age to be a grandfather paddling really fast!

Gerge Tsujita
Position:  Right back
How long have you been in rafting? 8 years.
What do you like about rafting? Sense of unity and achievement when paddling.
Favourite discipline? Slalom.
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? I want to train with mental power through rafting and to learn teamwork.
The craziest moment in rafting? When you sink for about 10 seconds in a hole.

Andy Shogo
Position: Left middle
How long have you been in rafting? Since 2011.
What do you like about rafting? I think rafting needs the harmony with the flow of river. But when achieving that, I’m happy.
Favourite discipline? Slalom.
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? During preparations I will do my utmost to extend my best performance.
The craziest moment in rafting? There is not yet it. But I’ll experience it in a future WRC…

Shigeto Asano ( Shige )
Position: Manager. Talk s..t all the time
How long have you been in rafting? Since 1993.
What do you like about rafting? Challenging.
Favourite discipline? Down river. That’s the rafting!!
Do you have any expectations relating to the results and what are your expectations generally? To make friends all over the World.
The craziest moment in rafting? We were chased by a hippo on Zambezi…

It’s definitely dangerous and crazy. :)

ERC 2018 Slovakia guests – Japan Open Men

Thank you guys for helping us to get to know you better. We are so happy to have such a great team with us in Europe. The European Championship starts next week, and we wish you all a good time and a good paddle.

Follow the IRF dedicated IRF Euro Rafting Champs facebook page for more news and photos from the ERC 2018 Slovakia guests.

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