Las Correntinas 1

We are river family – meet Las Correntinas

One of the newer formed race teams on the international circuit, Las Correntinas of Chile are a lively, funny group of friends who came together to race and have sparked inspiration in the rafting and paddling communitiesThis week we meet Las Correntinas, winners of the IRF Rafting Spirit Award in the recent IRF Ziyuan Rafting Festival. Their never ending enthusiasm and group camaraderie have earned them friends across the world.

How did you get started in rafting?
We studied at Universidad de las Fronteras in Pucón to be raft guides and safety kayakers at different years. In 2016 we started to train slalom kayaking together to participate in national and international competitions. Then in 2017, we formed the team “Las Correntinas” to compete in the pre-world cup of Rafting Aluminé.

What has motivated you to keep rafting?
The relationships that we had created with the children we teach. Also, all the support we received from our families and friends.

Which has been your most memorable experience on the river and why?
The first time that we paddled a slalom track with carbon paddles. In the Rucachoroi River we were very happy that we did not want to get out of the water!

Las Correntinas 2Funniest / most ironic river moment?
The funniest moment was when we fight the head to head with the Australian warriors and Pachi jumped out of the raft to push it. When she wanted to re-join the raft she could not climb in and Jesu grabbed Pachi from the helmet to raise her to the raft!

Worst moment on a river?
The worst moment on a river was when Pia had an accident, she fell down of a tree trying to put up a Slalom gate, fortunately nothing serious happened.

What do you do outside of rafting – how do you maintain a life balance?
Good fibre diet, laughs and reggaeton dances :-)

Any words of wisdom to those new to rafting?
“Aleteeea Correntina”! It’s like move your duck wings!

What do you think is the key strength of the IRF?
All IRF staff “perrea hasta abajo”. There is no translation.

When will we see you next?
In the next IRF World Championship > Aluminé 2018!

Las Correntinas are our River Family. Are You?

#AreYouReady #RaftersAreAwesome #RiverFamily #StrongerTogether #WeAreIRF

We’re looking for more stories of River Family – if you have a story to tell, email Sean with your story and photos.

en English