Team Siberia

Siberian white water enticed rafters from across the globe

Another very successful «White Water of Siberia» rafting forum has taken place with new skills, new friendships and a truly international bonding of rafters across the globe. This was the third annual International Cultural and Sports Forum (White Water of Siberia 2018). Participants from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska), Belgium, India, Italy, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Serbia, Uzbekistan, and Russia all gathered in Tomsk on the 15th of September and spent the last week testing and trying new skills.

For 9 days participants were acquainted with the cultures, creativity and people of Siberia. They visited many of the natural wonders of the area including outdoor explorations and the cultural heritage of the area displayed in architecture, museums and monuments. As with all rafting forums, the participants took part in several on water activities. Many of which can be seen in the video below (most audio is in Russian):


  1. The Federal Agency of the Commonwealth of Independent States – states, compatriots living abroad, and international humanitarian cooperation «ROSSOTRONDINESTVO»
  2.  Administration of the Tomsk region
  3. Russian Rafting Federation
  4. Administration of Education of Tomsk District
  5. Federation of rafting and whitewater slalom of Tomsk region
  6. Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution “Odissey”, Kopylovo

#AreYouReady #RaftersAreAwesome #RussianRaftingFederation

en English