2018 World Rafting Championships

Czechia have a golden day on the Alumine

The IRF’s 2018 World Rafting Champs came to a spectacular close today with the arduous Downriver. The rain and sprinkles of snow on the surrounding mountains did nothing to dampen the teams’ enjoyment of the awesome white water that the Aluminé offers.

The day definitely belonged to the Czechia teams. Their Open Men halted Brazil’s seven year streak of being World Champions, and all of their other teams medalled as well. Czechia are now the new World Champions in the Open Men’s and Women’s categories, as well as U23 Men, and Masters Men! They also took Bronze in U19 Men, Silver in U19 Women and silver in U23 Women – a great haul!

In U19 it is Argentina that are now the new World Champions in both categories – a great result for the hosts. They also achieved a Bronze in the U23 Women and a silver in Masters Men. They were just outside the medals in Open and U23 Men.

The new world champions in U23 Women are Russia! Their U19 Men placed 2nd and U19 Women 3rd. A nice collection of medals for them as well.

The USA Women are the new Master’s World Champions, having last raced at the WRC on the Futaleufu in 2000. A bad day at work on Slalom day saw Norway’s dreams of Gold overall fall short by the smallest of margins, but three Golds in Sprint, H2H and Downriver make up for it.

Full Results:

And so the IRF’s 17th World Championship draws to a close. The final medal ceremonies and closing ceremony will round off an excellent event in a stunning region on awesome rivers. Talk starts turning to the next world rafting championship – Tully, Australia!

#irfwrc #AreYouReady #RaftersAreAwesome #LiveTheStrengthOfTheRiver #ViviLaFuerzaDelRio #Aluminé #Neuquén #VillaPehueniaMoquehue

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