Your action is needed NOW!
Follow the cause, share and promote the campaign – we need to protect one of the planet’s most beautiful yet endangered rivers.
Plans are afoot to recommence the building of a dam in the Batoka Gorge of the Zambezi River. If completed, this will wipe out the major white water section from the base of Victoria Falls, ultimately destroying the livelihoods of those who live and work on the river, the villages that rely on tourism and the local plants and wildlife that will be decimated through the construction and ultimate damming.
The International Rafting Federation is taking the lead on this campaign with full support and backing from International Rivers, Save The Zambezi and local companies.
At this stage we need you to sign up as an interested party for the consultation and also to contribute any funds you can to assist us in the administration of this campaign.
#AreYouReady #damthedams #stopthedams #RiverFamily #StrongerTogether #RaftersAreAwesome #Zambezi #savethezambezi #zambia #zimbabwe #victoriafalls #whitewater #rapids