
Busy second half of the year for the IRF

With our two major events already done and dusted teams are relaxing and enjoying some of the other events on our race calendar, plus there are quite a large number of national selections happening. And there are plenty of guide assessments happening.

Wu Pai, Class 2 – 4, Ziyuan, Guang Xi Province, China

This Sunday sees the start of the Pre-Worlds in Ziyuan, China. An incredible 31 teams from 16 countries are attending! Keep an eye out for updates on this on the IRF’s World Rafting Champs Facebook page.

In August we have National Selections in Salida, Colorado in the USA; Ottawa River in Canada; and Sapucaia in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

There are also the last three Euro Cup events of the year – the Downriver race on Devils Stream, Vltava in Czech Rep., then the British Open at Lee Valley White Water Centre, London, and then back to Labe, Roudnice in the Czech Rep. for the final race in the series.

Also in August is the now well known, White Water of Siberia Forum which brings people aged 25 to 35 together from all over the world, to network and have fun around the sport of rafting, while visiting an amazing part of the world.

September sees the final event in the Czech Cup series at České Vrbné, Vltava, and later on are the Slovakian National Selections.

October sees the first  industry leading World White Water Rafting Summit in Costa Rica where renowned speakers from across the globe will come together with you to share best practices and develop plans for the future of white water rafting together. Facebook page – WWW Rafting Summit.

Best surf competition on the Zambezi!

The Zambezi White Water Festival is becoming a bucket list item and that is also being held in October. We need to also support this event to show that this river should not be dammed! Electricity can be generated easily with alternatives like solar!

And at the very end of November, when those of you in the Northern Hemisphere have packed all your paddling gear away, get it out for the British Rafting Winter Warmer, Llandysul, South Wales.



Guide Training options are plentiful as well  

  • 8 – 9 Aug: IRF Inline-raft guide workshop, Venue: Cardiff International White Water, Wales, UK.
  • 26 – 30 Aug: IRF GTE Workshop for Guide, TL, Safety Kayaker Class 3. Tara River, BiH.
  • 4 – 8 Sept: IRF Assessment up to Raft Guide 3 and Trip Leader 3. Buzau River, Romania.
  • 5- 6 Sept: IRF Inline-raft guide workshop, Venue: Cardiff International White Water, Wales, UK.
  • 6 – 9 Sept: IRF Level 2/3 Guide, Trip leader. Porma River, Boñar, Leon, Spain.
  • 7 – 8 Sept: IRF Guide Workshop, Venue: Cardiff International White Water, Wales, UK.
  • 10 – 12 Sept: Raft guide, safety kayak level 4 and trip leader level 3 assessment. Indus and Zanskar Rivers, India.
  • 15 – 18 Sept: IRF Workshop for Guide, TL and Safety Kayaker, level 2 and 3. Vuoksa River, Kivineimi raft camp, Losevo, Russia. 
  • 22 – 27 Sept: IRF Raft & Safety kayaker assessments. Kamp Koren, Soca River, Slovenia
  • 15 – 23 Oct: Raft Guide and Safety Kayakers, Class 4. Zambezi River. Run by: Zambezi Academy. Details. Come early for extra training, stay on for Zambezi Whitewater Festival!
  • 19 – 20 Oct: IRF Guide Workshop, Venue: Cardiff International White Water, Wales, UK.
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