Virtual Youth Festival poster

Registration is open for Virtual Youth Festival

Its time for the Youth of the World to register for the UTS Virtual Youth Festival! Registration is open for a short period of time, so don’t delay!

The event, which is under patronage of the IOC, IPC and SOI, has brought together over 80 organisations bringing together the youth of the world.

Register for Virtual Youth Festival

Contact IRF Admin to register or if you have any questions!

To register a participant you will need to have
– Participant’s date of birth
– Participant’s country
– participant’s unique and direct email address
– participant’s photo
– parent consent form


The Festival is about inclusion and non-discrimination. The youth have the chance to compete in 5 different categories:

  • 1 Max Fit – focusing on contestants’ strength, power and stamina
  • 2 Aero Fit – 3 mins of a choreographed sequence to music in teams of 2
  • 3  Talent – youths are invited not only to a talent competition but to a talent show to promote and encourage a focus on their individual unique talents.
  • 4 All Abilities – youths take part in sporting challenges in five age categories.
  • 5 Special Olympics – is a 7-week fitness competition
    that awards athletes for hard work and personal improvement.
Max Fit:

This competition category will focus on strength, power and stamina. The different sports disciplines and youth will be drawn against each other and their performance will be scored by 3 judges from different international federations.

The competition is run over 3 rounds with each round requiring contestants to complete as many of a designated exercise drills within the allotted time per round.

Aero Fit

This competition will be in pairs & judged by VDO submissions.

Participants will be drawn into a bracket and judges will score the VDOs
to determine next round.

Results and brackets will be live on the system
once results are entered by the judges.

Finals shall be judged LIVE. Finalists will be informed of their scheduled competition time slot and must enter the virtual arena via link given. The Arena will be attended by the judges and the 2 opposing teams who shall
take turns to perform their 3 minute max. Aero FIT routine live Judges will then score the performances.


The UTS Festival Talent Competition gives youth an international stage to shine and show their unique talents. Talents can range from Singing, Musical Instrument performance, Theatre-Drama and Dance, where youths are
invited not only to a talent competition but to a talent show to promote and encourage a focus on their individual talents.

Applications to the competition will be in the form of video submissions. Divisions are determined via age groups and categories as follows:

❑ U10 (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)
❑ U12 (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)
❑ U14 (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)
❑ U16 (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)
❑ U18 (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)
❑ Exceptional Performances (Vocal, Dance, Theatre/Drama, Instrumental, group, other)

Medals are awarded per age group and for each category with a 1st, 2nd & 3rd place.

Details of the other competitions at the Virtual Youth Festival – All Abilities and Special Olympics – are coming soon.

#THISISUTS #UTSVYF2020 #RaftersAreAwesome #AreYouReady #strongertogether

en English