World Rafting Championships 2021

World Rafting Championships 2021 in an unpredictable year

As we move through February the IRF finds itself answering regular queries about our World Rafting Championships 2021 in China – is it happening or not? This is understandable during this time of continual change of plans and the massive fluctuation of the effect of the pandemic on world sporting events.

We would like to let everyone know that we are monitoring all situations, are in continual discussions with the China organisers and looking at all aspects and options. It is hard for even them to know what to say as everything changes so much, so quickly. But we are working to give more definitive answers by the end of March.

We want the event to happen as much as you all do. But the health of our athletes and officials is top priority when making any decision. A high consideration is also the ever changing travel restrictions which we need to continually monitor and take into account. And we are very aware that athletes and federations need time to plan for such a notable event such as the WRC.

In the meantime, follow World Health Organization, local government and health advice and if you are able to, plan to get out and onto one of the raft race events taking place near you this year.

Thanks for your understanding and patience during this time.


World Rafting Championships 2021 updates:

We will continue to update through our mailing lists, website and social media. If you would like to be one of the first to read about World Rafting Championships 2021 updates sign up to our newsletter.

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