2021 Congress announced

IRF 2021 Congress dates announced

The IRF Board of Directors (BOD) announce that the IRF 2021 Congress will be virtual and on the 23 and 24 November 2021.

Without a doubt, the pandemic has created the most difficult times ever faced by the world’s sports organisations, and the IRF is no exception. However, even though faced with these extraordinary circumstances, we’ve managed to achieve some great successes.

Taking into consideration that our 2021 Congress cannot be convened this year during a WRC, the BOD has voted to convene a ‘virtual’ 2021 Congress using online technology that most all of us have become very familiar with. The BOD further believes that a ‘virtual’ Congress will be more accessible to the majority of our members, and certainly offers a safer and more convenient option until the pandemic has ended. As such, this year’s Congress will be held online.

Virtual 2021 Congress dates:

2021 Congress Virtual EventThe IRF BOD have set the following dates for the IRF’s Virtual 2021 Congress:

  • Tuesday, 23 November
  • Wednesday, 24 November

The start time for each session will be finalised in the coming few weeks, but will likely be 12:00 midday GMT/UTC. We anticipate that each session will last approximately 2-3 hours depending on the finalised agenda.

We realise that everyone’s time is very valuable and that for some, attendance may be inconvenient due to particular time zone. Therefore, the Congress will be as streamlined as possible, with the focus being on items that need discussion and/or votes.

Proposals for considersation at 2021 Congress (Bylaw Article 27):

As a reminder, please review the following information if you would like to submit a proposal at the Congress:

Who can submit proposals?

  1. Each IRF Full Member, IRF Executive Officers, and IRF Committee Chairs have the right to submit proposals and reports to the Ordinary IRF Congress. Proposals must include detail with reasons and supporting documents.
  2. Proposals originating from an IRF Full Member must be signed by their president or authorised representative.

When must proposals be submitted?

  1. Provisional proposals amending the IRF Bylaws must be submitted at least three (3) calendar months before the IRF Congress. For this year, that ending date is 23 August 2021.
  2. Other provisional proposals must be submitted at least two (2) calendar months before the IRF Congress. For this year, that ending date is 23 September 2021.
  3. All proposals must be submitted direct to IRF Administration.
  4. Any proposals that are submitted late may be rejected.

How is a provisional proposal determined if it is suitable to add to the Congress agenda?

Provisional proposals are presented to the Executive Committee who may then:

  1. Ask for additional information or clarification
  2. Return a proposal for revision
  3. Reject an unsuitable proposal

What provisional proposals may NOT be included in the Congress agenda?

Provisional proposals may not be included if they:

  1. Do not fall under the jurisdiction of the IRF Congress
  2. Are not clearly written in English
  3. Are not submitted in the correct format
  4. Are repetitive of existing Bylaws, rules, or policies
  5. Are deemed to be offensive, illegal, or might jeopardise the name, reputation, or standing of the IRF.

Election of Board of Directors (BOD)  (Bylaw Articles 31 and 32):

The IRF BOD is elected for a period of four (4) years. The present BOD was elected at Congress 2017, therefore a new BOD shall be elected at Congress 2021.

Who can nominate candidates for the IRF BOD for election at the 2021 Congress?

  1. Any IRF Member Organisation in good standing.
  2. Any member of the IRF Board of Directors.

When must nominations be submitted by, and when is the full list of nominees sent to members?

  1. Nominations must be sent to the IRF Administration by email AT LEAST four (4) weeks before Congress. This must include a photo, a brief resume (CV) and a brief summary of what the candidate plans to do if they are elected to that position. Final submission date is 25 October 2021. No late submissions accepted.
  2. The list of nominees with be sent to all IRF Full Members at least three (3) weeks before Congress so that Full Members can give the list of nominees their due consideration in preparation for voting at Congress.

Who can be nominated?

  1. Nominees for Committee Chairs must have the knowledge and capability to fulfil their responsibilities as detailed in the Bylaw Articles and Annexes which describe the committee.
  2. No Member Organisation may have more than two (2) representatives on the IRF Board of Directors.
  3. The Chair of the Athlete’s Commission is not elected during Congress, but is elected during the WRC, so no candidates need be nominated for this position until next year. The election is done by the athletes themselves.

IRF 2021 Congress Summary:

  • Dates – 23 and 24 November 2021
  • Provisional proposals amending IRF Bylaws – to be submitted to IRF Administration by 23 August 2021.
  • Other provisional proposals – to be submitted to IRF Administration by 23 September 2021.
  • Nominations – to be submitted to IRF Administration by 25 October 2021.
en English