Trnávka 2021 brought sunshine, smiles and friends

Trnávka 2021 European Cup R4 + R6 @ Trnávka Slalom Course, Želiv 🇨🇿

The second weekend of September closed this year’s Czech raft season. One of the most difficult slalom courses in the world hosted the European Cup and the Czech Chamiponship, with the participation of the top Czech rafting teams and several foreign crews. The last races in slalom, sprint, 3xR4 and downriver took place on Trnávka.

Trnávka 2021
Team AKV Germany [Wüstner Johannes & Schneider Martin]
The organisers arranged perfect weather, so the paddlers enjoyed all the sides of this beautiful sport, from the challenging water in the slalom course to the romantic views during the Sunday downriver. The race was hard as usual, but honest and according to the rules, so the judges did not have to deal with any major offences.

One photo is more than a hundred words, so enjoy our galleries (slalom, downriver) and see you at Trnávka next year :-)

Jan Vávra
Race Director

Photo albums for Trnávka 2021:


For the latest list of raft races, check out our raft race events calendar here.

#czechia #trnavka #strongertogether #weareirf

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