ARK Inflatables auction winner 2021 announced

Our ARK Inflatables auction 2021 drew to a close last month with one lucky winner – Rich Domleo.

Rich can be seen in the photo shouting out his excitement for winning the auction. Rich is now the proud owner of 1x ARK Inflatables 2021 Croc (R2) and 1x ARK Inflatables 2021 Solo Adventurer Prawn (R1).

African River Kraft’s (ARK Inflatables) rafts are well known to the IRF and many people will recognise some of their famous designs and use in World Rafting Championships over the past decades. Our history with ARK started with the Camel White Water Challenges in the late 90s. You may also recognise the distinctive yellow on the rafts used in 2019’s IRF World Rafting Championships on the Tully river, Australia.

Following the success of our ARK Inflatables auction 2021, we will be holding a raffle in early 2022 for a rafting adventure in a unique location. Follow our social media for the most up to date information.

#thisisrafting #raftersareawesome #areyouready

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