The IRF warmly welcomes two recently appointed Honorary IRF BOD members – neither of whom are strangers to the IRF Board of Directors, or indeed to many of you.
Peter Micheler
As a past IRF President, Peter was bestowed the title of Honorary President at the 2021 Congress. Honorary Presidents primarily serve as an IRF Ambassador under the direction of the President and continue in this role for as long as they remain active in the IRF. This means that his many years of experience and knowledge continue to be available and beneficial to the IRF BOD and to the IRF as a whole.

Peter was a key instigator in the formation of the International Rafting Federation back in May 1997. As a keen competitor his desire was to see internationally set and adhered to race rules, properly trained Judges, and for races to be run fairly and credibly. This is something he can be proud that the IRF has achieved. He was also the host of the IRF’s founding meeting in Augsburg, Germany, and the IRF’s first President. Later he became 1st Vice-President until Congress 2017 when he was elected as Chair of the International Relations Committee, during which time the IRF achieved GAISF Observer status.
Interview with Peter at the Youth and Masters World Rafting Championships in Czech Republic in 2012.
Peter has continually been involved in raft racing as a Judge, or competitor, or coach. His dedication to the sport and to the IRF are recognised by all and the IRF honoured him for that by bestowing the position of Honorary President on him.
Pieter Bekkers
Pieter joined the IRF Board of Directors in 2011 as Head of Media & Marketing, a position he held until 2015. From then until 2021 Pieter was Treasurer, a position which includes being on the Executive Committee.
In 2010 Pieter was key in bringing the World Rafting Championships to the artificial course, Dutch Water Dreams, in Zoetermeer in The Netherlands. It was the first WRC to include the Junior category.

Pieter has been very involved in nearly all aspects of the IRF. He is on the IRF Judges Committee, as well as the GTE Committee, has been very active as Race Director at WRCs as well as giving continued assistance in other admin areas.
To ensure the IRF could continue to benefit from Pieter’s dedication and enthusiasm for our sport he was recently bestowed with title of Honorary Member which means he may continue to join the BOD in the debates and serve in an advisory role.
We thank both of these honorable IRF BOD members for their many years of dedication to the IRF and thank them for the many more they are giving to the IRF.