
IRF’s Athletes’ Committee for 2019 / 20

A new Athletes’ Committee is to be appointed by the Athletes at the 2019 World Rafting Championships in Tully, Queensland, Australia.

The Committee is made up of three candidates from Europe and 2 each from Pan America and Asia/Oceania, making a total of 7. Please see the list of proposed candidates with photos and bios of each.

As there are the exact number of candidates representing the regions needed there will be no need for an election. These candidates will therefore be formally appointed during the WRC.

There will be a meeting for all Athletes (date and time to be confirmed) at Event Head Quarters during the WRC. Each candidate for the Athletes’ Committee attending WRC will have a chance to speak. For candidates not at this WRC, a delegate will read for them. The Athletes will then get a chance to address the Committee and voice issues they feel should be on the Committee’s agenda for the future.

Please join us in thanking those who have been on the Athletes’ Committee for the past year and to welcome those joining the Athletes’ Committee from this year.