National Member Organisations (National Rafting Federations)
The IRF collects membership fees as a primary method for paying for the expenses necessary to administer the IRF. The fees are set by the IRF Board of Directors as required under the IRF Bylaws.
The IRF offers two options for our National Member Organisations to pay membership fees – an Established Fee Option or an Ordinary Fee Option. These fee options are designed to best fit how active our members are in international races. The Established Fee Option is tipically a better fit for our larger, more active members. The Ordinary Fee Option is tipically a better fit or our smaller, less active members.
The fees for 2024 are as follows:
Ordinary Fee Option (OFO) for each member who has teams that participate in the following races:
- World Rafting Champs (WRC) – For each Open and Masters team = $200 USD fee
For each U19 and U23 team = $160 USD fee
- Euro Rafting Champs (ERC) – For each Open and Masters teams = $140 USD fee
For each U19 and U23 teams = $100 USD fee
Established Fee Option (EFO):
- $550 USD (due annually in March)
- Plus, for each team participating in a WRC or ERC, use the OFC fee schedule above. However, no matter how many teams participate these races, annual race entry fees will not exceed $250 USD. (This means that a member’s total membership fees will not exceed $800 USD no matter how many of their teams participate in a WRC or ERC.)
For more detail on fees, select the tab above: “How to calculate Membership Fees“.
Please contact the IRF Secretariat if you have any questions.
Firstly, determine how many teams will be going to the IRF Euro and/or World Championships from your country.
Then put those numbers into the formula below:
WRC: Open, Masters teams: $200 x number teams =
WRC: U19, U23 teams: $160 x number teams =
ERC: Open, Masters teams: $140 x number teams =
ERC: U19, U23 teams: $100 x number teams =
Once you have calculated the TOTAL proceed to Step 2:
If you are on the Established Fee Option (EFO):
– and the TOTAL is less than $550 – you will pay $550
– and the TOTAL is more than $800 – you will pay $800
– and the TOTAL is between $550 and $800 you pay the TOTAL
If you are on the Ordinary Fee Option (OFO):
– you pay the TOTAL amount
– If your TOTAL amount is more than $800 we suggest you contact us and convert to the Established Fee Option.
This fee structure has been designed to keep the costs manageable for new and developing members and keeps the increases manageable for our members who are very active in sending larger numbers of teams to our events.