Currently certified guides, trip leaders, instructors & assessors
The IRF regularly updates these lists of certified raft guides and instructors. All persons listed on the following links have met the minimum standards required to attain the IRF Guide Training & Education (GTE) Award for which they are listed.
Further information on the GTE Certification Awards can be found here.
Requests for additional details or updates to records can be made through GTE Administration.
Scroll down to the Instructors and Instructor Trainers table here.
List of all currently certified IRF Guide Training & Education certified persons:
Persons listed as “Lapsed” have recently expired and may be in the renewal process (contact GTE Admin for more details)
Surname | First Name | Qualification | Level | Certified | Country | Place of Qualification | Primary Assessor | Certification # | Valid until | Status |
Surname | First Name | Qualification | Level | Certified | Country | Place of Qualification | Primary Assessor | Certification # | Valid until | Status |
Abad Fernández | Inés | Raft Guide Provisional | 3 | 2022-06-30 | Spain | Gállego | José María Miró Longarón | ESP 22 033 RG3 P | 2025-06-30 | Current |
Abd Wahid | Mohd Idrus | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2025-01-23 | Malaysia | Selama | Yasuo Homma | MAL 25 002 RTL3 | 2028-01-23 | Current |
Abdihodžić | Sandi | Raft Guide | 3 | 2024-09-22 | BiH | Una | Edin Redžić | BiH 24 020 RG3 | 2027-09-22 | Current |
Abdul Halim | Muhammad Asraf | Raft Guide | 3 | 2025-01-23 | Malaysia | Selama | Yasuo Homma | MAL 25 012 RG3 | 2028-01-23 | Current |
Abdul Nizam | Muhamad Aiman | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2023-11-23 | Malaysia | Kampar | Yasuo Homma | MAL 23 020 RTL3 | 2026-11-23 | Current |
Abdul Rahim | Arman | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2025-01-23 | Malaysia | Selama | Yasuo Homma | MAL 25 006 RTL3 | 2028-01-23 | Current |
Abdul Rahman | Muhamad Hanafi | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2023-11-23 | Malaysia | Kampar | Yasuo Homma | MAL 23 006 RTL3 | 2026-11-23 | Current |
Abdul Rahman | Muhamad Razuan | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2025-01-23 | Malaysia | Selama | Yasuo Homma | MAL 25 007 RTL3 | 2028-01-23 | Current |
Abdullah | Muhammad Firdaus Kenny | Raft Trip Leader | 3 | 2023-11-23 | Malaysia | Kampar | Yasuo Homma | MAL 23 017 RTL3 | 2026-11-23 | Current |
Ablitt | Paul | Raft Guide | 2 | 2022-08-15 | Scotland | Garry | Mark Walker Adamson | SCO 22 030 RG2 | 2025-09-15 | Current |
Acar | Enes | Raft Guide | 3 | 2024-06-15 | Türkiye | Melen | Mehmet Vedat Vural | TUR 24 007 RG3 | 2027-06-15 | Current |
Acero Avendaño | Yohvani Davis | Raft Guide - Site Specific | SS | 2019-05-01 | Mexico | Xavage | Alejandro Cuéllar Giordano | MEX 19 002 RGSS | 2026-05-01 | Current |
Acevedo Arenas | Jesus David | Raft Guide Provisional | 3 | 2023-03-15 | Colombia | Fonce | Cesar Díaz Milan | COL 23 005 RG3 P | 2026-03-15 | Current |
Acevedo Galvis | Robert Alfredo | Raft Guide | 4 | 2016-01-23 | Colombia | Suarez | Cesar Díaz Milan | COL 16 005 RG4 | 2027-01-22 | Current |
Acheson | Jessica | Raft Guide | 3 | 2017-04-22 | Wales | Dee | Mark Hirst | UK 17 021 RG3 | 2026-04-22 | Current |
Showing 1 to 15 of 3,629 entries
This list was last updated 1 hour ago.
List of IRF certified Instructors and Instructor Trainers only:
Surname | First Name | Nation | Qualification | Level | Certified | Certification # | Valid until | Status |
Surname | First Name | Nation | Qualification | Level | Certified | Certification # | Valid until | Email | Status |
Bonanno | Fabián Alejandro | Argentina | Instructor Trainer | IT | 2021-11-21 | ARG 21 001 IT | 2026-04-29 | fabianbonanno@gmail.com | Current |
Bonanno | Fabián Alejandro | Argentina | Raft Instructor | 4 | 2009-05-01 | ARG 09 015 RI4 | 2026-04-29 | fabianbonanno@gmail.com | Current |
Bonanno | Fabián Alejandro | Argentina | Safety Kayak Instructor | 4 | 2017-07-14 | SVN 17 020 SKI4 | 2026-04-29 | fabianbonanno@gmail.com | Current |
Del Puglia | Aldo | Argentina | Raft Instructor | 4 | 2018-04-20 | ESP 18 006 RI4 | 2027-04-20 | aldodelpuglia@gmail.com | Current |
Román | Fabián | Argentina | Raft Instructor | 4 | 2008-12-03 | ARG 09 009 RI4 | 2026-12-15 | fabianpopa13@gmail.com | Current |
Maifredi | Graham | Australia | Instructor Trainer | IT | 2005-10-01 | I5AU 0001 | 2026-04-29 | gofreddieoz@bigpond.com | Current |
Arbab | Bijan | Austria | Raft Instructor | 4 | 2014-08-13 | AUT 14 013 RI4 | 2025-08-13 | raftsafari@gmail.com | Current |
Hitzelsperger | Tobias | Austria | Raft Instructor | 3 | 2014-08-13 | AUT 14 022 RI3 | 2026-08-13 | hitzelsperger@aol.com | Current |
Larcher | Sebastian | Austria | Instructor Trainer | IT | 2021-06-28 | AT 21 000 A | 2026-04-29 | sebastian.larcher@yahoo.com | Current |
Larcher | Sebastian | Austria | Raft Instructor | 4 | 2014-09-16 | AUT 14 034 RI4 | 2026-04-29 | sebastian.larcher@yahoo.com | Current |
Showing 1 to 10 of 211 entries
This list was last updated 5 days ago.