Bidding for new events

Click here for a brochure outlining what it means to host an IRF World Rafting Championship (WRC) event!

World Rafting Championship Host brochure

The IRF is accepting bids for the following event:

  • 2025, 2026, 2027 Continental Championships – European, Pan American, Asian, Oceania
  • 2026, 2027, 2028 World Rafting Championships
  • 2025, 2026, 2027 World Rafting Cup Series

IRF event bidding documents:

The first step for bidding for any of our events is to review the ‘IRF Bidding System’ and the ‘Regulations and Organisation Criteria’. You are then welcome to send us an ‘Intention to Bid notice’. Once this notice has been reviewed and accepted by the IRF Executive Committee, we will contact you and request that you complete an ‘Event Bid Document’.  The ‘Event Bid Document’ will need to be completed and returned by the bid closing date set by the Executive Committee.  

  • IRF Bidding System – this document details the procedures that need to be completed to successfully bid for hosting an IRF event.
  • Regulations & Organisation Criteria – this document describes what is required to organise and host an IRF Event.  It covers technical side, staff, media, communication and many other needs. 
  • Intention to Bid notice – this document will inform us that you plan to bid for a specific IRF Event in the near future.
  • IRF Event Bid Document – this document will provide the IRF with specific details about the proposed venue, location, organisation team, equipment, and other important information.

The above mentioned documents are updated regularly. Please contact IRF admin for more information and the most recent updated versions.

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