World Rafting Champs 2012 – Czechia

The 2012 Youth & Masters World Rafting Championship is being held in the Czech Republic from the  23 – 27 August 2012.  The top youth men’s and top youth women’s teams and top Masters teams from each member federation are invited to this event. Check with your national rafting federation for your own selection race dates where teams qualify through fair and credible selections to represent their county.

Dates: August 23th- 28th, 2012
River: Vltava
Location: Ceske Budejovice (Sprint, H2H &Slalom); Vyšší Brod  (Downriver, Vltava river)
Organizer: Czech Boaters Union (SVoCR)
Categories: R4 men Youth and Master / R4 women Youth and Master
Disciplines: Sprint, H2H, Slalom, Downriver
Difficulty: Class 2-3 (Sprint, H2H &Slalom); Class 1-2- (Downriver)
Rafts & Eqpt: Gumotex Colorado (all other equipment needs to be brought by teams)


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