
Aleksa Kojadinović memorial raft race

A fitting memorial for Aleksa Kojadinović in Priboj

The third memorial raft race for Aleksa Kojadinović was held in Priboj, Serbia on the river Lim. Normally this IRF Euro Cup and Serbian National Cup is held in the spring with a hope of the new year and fresh racing ahead. 2020 as seems normal now, decided that would not be the case. Due

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EC Ibar Serbia 2020

EC Ibar Serbia 2020 wraps up the R6 Euro Cup Series

Despite restrictions around the pandemic changing all the time, the Rafting Association of Serbia (RAS) managed to hold the EC Ibar Serbia 2020 event – well done to them! The event was held on the 3rd October, one week after their Serbian Cup in Brodarevo on Lim. The venue was the Grmčić course near Ušće

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