Italy’s Open Women ready to fly!

ita-ow-2016-5Caroline Louise Goodall, Marianna Tedeschi, Elena Bragastini, Jasmine Zurlini Frugis and Alessandra Massimino are members of the Italian Open Women team that will participate at the R4 World Rafting Championship in Al Ain, UAE. This team is already well-known and we’ve looked at these cheerful and smiling faces at several previous WRC and ERC competitions. But what their expectations are and how they prepare for this competition we find out from Jasmine.

We met with your team before WRC 2015 in Indonesia last year but since then you have achieved new successes, so can you tell us something about them before we talk about the UAE and WRC 2016?

ita-ow-2016-6After Indonesia we took part in the Euro Champs in Tacen (SLO) and we won two bronze medal – one in Sprint and one in Slalom. We also took part in the Italy Euro Cup and we won 3rd place Overall.”

Competing at the ERC is excellent preparation for the WRC, but what are you expecting out of the WRC? 

“For the WRC we want to do the best we can … we’ve made some steps forward after New Zealand and passing through Indonesia and now it is another chance to get better results!”

ita-ow-2016-4I saw you were training on the Ivrea slalom course, how was it and what else is included in your preparation for the WRC?

We train a lot on the Ivrea slalom course because the WRC is on an artificial channel, the same as Ivrea, although quite different. It was really important to get the team together and react at the same time. We also train individually.”

What do you think will be the toughest obstacle for you in this competition?

“We think that the obstacle for us in the competition will be the course: always difficult competing on an unknown artificial course.”

ita-ow-2016-2Rafting is a pretty tough sport, what is it that attracts you to it? 

We love rafting first of all because it is a team sport and because it is such an adrenaline sport, isn’t it? We’re also all rafting guides and kayakers for fun.”

Is there anything in particular you want to see and experience in the UAE?

We’d really like to see the UAE desert and maybe go with the quad bike!”

Anyone you want to thank?

We really want to thank Italian Rafting Federation for making our participation at the WRC ita-ow-2016-3possible. Also our club teams supporting us in the Italian championship: Sesia Rafting, DRD4, Indomita Valtellina River. We want to thank the company “The Friendly Swede” for giving us our dry bags”

Good luck again Jasmine and we wish you an unforgettable time in the UAE!

There are only a few days left until the start of the WRC competition, the girls have completed their preparations and are ready for the challenge of the Middle East. Certainly this is a team we will continue to keep track of. We cannot wait to hang out with them again. 

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