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IRF and International Rivers in historic agreement to be better stewards to the world’s rivers

At the conclusion of the International Rafting Federation’s inaugural World White Water Rafting Summit, leading global rivers campaign organisation International Rivers and the IRF signed an historic Memorandum Of Understanding to bring together the common goals of both organisations to ensure that all rivers of the world have a voice.

Introducing the agreement, summit MC and IRF Sustainability Lead, Sean Clarke, presented a short film on the impacts of a large global corporation attempting to offset their carbon footprint through the purchase of carbon credits. The unfortunate reality being that the carbon offset is actually funding the destruction of the Alto Maipo river in northern Chile. A stark reminder that our rivers are still at great risk in spite of the current global push for carbon neutrality.

Following the short film, Monti Aguirre, International Rivers Latin America Program Coordinator and Joe Willis Jones, President of the IRF shared with summit participants the common beliefs and goals of both organisations. Recognising that all of us as users and friends of rivers, are the best placed individuals and collectively as organisations and the river family, to be the global voice for rivers across the world. We can unite under a single banner to ensure that our local rivers and waterways are not disrespected or worse. To ensure that any projects large or small that impact the diverse, unique and fragile biodiversity of each and every waterway, need to understand what is at risk and ensure that our waterways have their voices heard.

In a short but earnest and frank statement, both the IRF and International Rivers pledged to work together for the benefit of all rivers and waterways across the globe.

The full text is reproduced here:

Since the founding of both the International Rafting Federation and International Rivers, we have both been committed to the responsible stewardship and protection of the planet’s rivers.

Today, we formally declare our commitment to working together in all ways possible toward this common goal.

El compromiso de la protección y administración de los ríos del planeta ha estado presente desde la creación de la Federación Internacional de Rafting y Ríos Internacionales.

El día de hoy, nosotros declaramos de manera formal nuestra obligación de trabajar juntos de todos los ámbitos posibles para este fin común.


Watch the short film on the negative impacts of climate offset purchasing on the Alto Maipo here.

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