2021 World Virtual Youth Festival

The second World Virtual Youth Festival will be happening in November 2021. Time to get your youth into action! Registration to be done by 30 October latest.

This festival is brought to you by United Through Sport (UTS) which is an alliance of many organisations working together through sports to bring unity and peace to an often-divided world. UTS is an initiative launched in 2019 by the Association of Independent Recognised Sports (AIMS) with its focus being on encouraging youth to become more involved in sports. Youth under the age of 18 are invited to a celebration of youth of all abilities, and to take part in physical activities in a fun and friendly competition, as well as giving access to education.

The 2020 edition was a huge success with over 100 organisations, 40,000 kids participating and 50,000 involvements in the education programme. Highlights video from the 2020 World Virtual Youth Festival.

The festival is officially under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee, the Paralympic Committee, the Special Olympics, and AIMS standing in solidarity under the Olympic, Paralympic and Special Olympics values.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be the 2021 hosts, and the festival will be opening on the United Nations World Children’s Day, 20 November, and running to the 27 November 2021.

Five Competition Categories To Choose From

1. Max Fit

Standardized fitness exercises, based on strength, endurance, accuracy, and number of repetitions

This competition focuses on: Strength, Power and Stamina using standardized exercises.

There are 4 stages: Preliminary, Quarterfinal, Semi-final and Final, and each has 3 rounds.

Contestants will be scored by judges on the number of repetitions they complete, as well as their quality and control whilst performing the repetitions.

DIVISIONS (age they are on the 1st of August 2021):

Under 10 Male/Female
Under 12 Male/Female
Under 14 Male/Female
Under 16 Male/Female
Under 18 Male/Female

2. Aero Fit

Pairs choreograph their own aerobic-style routine

This dynamic competition category allows a team of 2 competitors to join their abilities and create a routine choreography. This competition category will be competed and judged by VDO submissions.

DIVISIONS (age they are on the 1st of August 2021) (M = Male / F = Female):

Under 10 M&M / M&F / F&F
Under 12 M&M / M&F / F&F
Under 14 M&M / M&F / F&F
Under 16 M&M / M&F / F&F
Under 18 M&M / M&F / F&F

3. Talent

World Virtual Youth FestivalVocal, Instrument, Dance, Group and other, to ensure anyone and everyone can share their talent

Any youth can join this competition and show their talents. Talent examples from last year.

DIVISIONS (age they are on the 1st of August 2021):

U10 (Singing, Dance, Instrument, Group and Other)
U12 (Singing, Dance, Instrument, Group and Other)
U14 (Singing, Dance, Instrument, Group and Other)
U16 (Singing, Dance, Instrument, Group and Other)
U18 (Singing, Dance, Instrument, Group and Other)

*Other, is a category where youth can also share their sport talent and any other unique skills
Video submissions must be uploaded to the registration platform.

4. IPC Inclusive Challenge

This is a unique physical and mental competition.

Information will be shared soon!

5. Unified Fitness Challenge

Compete across 3 exercises to reach your personal best

The Special Olympics Unified Fitness Challenge is an 8 week collaborative effort between United Through Sports
and Special Olympics International. This virtual fitness challenge enables youth with and without an intellectual
disability to participate in a global competition, as means to overcome the challenges of social isolation and
physical inactivity severely heightened by the pandemic. Youth with and without an intellectual disability be will be paired together as a team.

The challenge consists of three tests; standing long jump, curl ups, and 10 meter shuttle run. The challenge requires each team member to participate in a pre-test during the first week of the event to establish a baseline team score. The challenge ends with a post-test during week 8. Each team will receive a final improvement score based on the variance between their baseline scores and their final scores.

This is a great opportunity for the youth to show off their skills and abilities and to have fun on an international stage that aims to Unite Through Sport.

World Virtual Youth Festival Ambassadors

UTS has invited each IF, including the IRF, to nominate two ambassadors to represent the IRF and to promote
a healthy and active lifestyle, support rafting, showcase the IRF’s benefits and to encourage youth through their own social media. The IRF will therefore be seeking out suitable ambassadors!

Ambassador video

Ambassador IPC video

#RaftersAreAwesome #AreYouReady #strongertogether #unitedthroughsport

en English