5 beginner tips to know about rafting

While white water rafting is an exciting activity, it has its inherent dangers. It is considered an extreme sport due to the level of fitness required, along with there being a real risk of injury, or even death. This means that this is not a sport that you can simply delve into without the proper knowledge and training. If you’re planning on exploring white water rafting, here are 5 beginner tips that you first need to know.

Understand the Activity

It’s important to understand that the activity has six levels that vary based on the difficulty of the course. Beginners are advised to stick to courses that are appropriate for their experience. This is to ensure both success and their safety. There are certain requirements that you need to meet before attempting any extreme activity.

Be Mentally and Physically Prepared

Like all sports, if you plan to get into white water rafting, it’s important that you are both physically and mentally equipped to handle the stress of the sport. It’s important that you develop your shoulder muscles, as they are the main muscle group used in white water rafting. It’s also important that you  learn how to swim on the off-chance that you are thrown off your raft.

Wear Proper Clothing

Proper clothing will protect your skin from abrasions from rocks and other rough surfaces. They will also protect your body from the elements, and they allow you to move as flexibly as needed. It’s best to avoid cotton and other heavy fabrics, as they will not only make you tire quicker, but they will also increase the risk of drowning.

Listen to Your Instructor

Rafting is an intense activity, and it’s important that you know how to respond to ever-changing scenarios. As beginners, it’s extremely important to listen to your guide as they have the training needed to complete the course, and they provide beginners with vital safety instructions that could mean the difference between a memorable experience and an accident. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if faced with a situation that you don’t know how to respond to. Instructors are alway happy to help, and they’d rather go through the trouble of helping beginners than to explain why an accident happened.

Never Go Alone

There are plenty of inherent dangers that could injure or kill you if you go white water rafting alone. River currents can be incredibly powerful in some sections, and it’s very easy to fall in and drown if you’re not careful. It’s important that you go with at least one experienced rafter in your group, preferably someone who is familiar with the particular river you’re rafting in.


Like all extreme activities, white water rafting is a dangerous sport. It’s important to understand what you’re getting yourself into so that you’re able to make the necessary preparations that grant you the best chance of a successful run. This is what determines the difference between a traumatic experience and a thrilling memory.

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