The IRF Rafting Eurocup and the official Austrian Championships 2023

“After a break of 3 years, we are happy to host the Rafting Championships Wildalpen again this year.
In addition to the Austrian National Championships, IRF European Cup races will also take place in Wildalpen.
We would be very happy to welcome as many of our friends as possible in Wildalpen again. We are also looking forward to see many new teams at the start.”
Registration is now open, so please register as soon as possible at office@raftingsport-wildalpen.a

The IRF Rafting Eurocup and the official Austrian Championships will take place on the river  Salza in Styria. The rules of the International Rafting Federation IRF category R4 regulate the  championship. Each competition (sprint, head to head, slalom, downriver race) gets points.  The Rafting team with the most points after the last race in the category R4 will be the final  winner. 

There will be different classes, U19, U23, Masters, if there will be enough teams per category.  If not, all teams will start at the open category. 

Championship organisation: 

Rafting Sport Salzatal 


Wildalpen (Styria, Austria) 


Salza in Upperstyria, Grade 2-3 


Friday, 28th of April 2023 official training 

evening program 

Saturday, 29th of April 2023 

R4/Austrian Championships – Eurocup 


Head2Head (Austrian Championship) 

Head2Head (Euro Cup) 

Night Slalom 

Rafting Party 

Sunday, 30th of April 2023 R4/ Austrian Championships – Eurocup 

Downriver Race (R4) (NEW: Will be held this  

year as a round-course in the area of the  

sprint/slalom course) 

Price giving ceremony 

Enquiries and registrations to: 

Florian Kain and Anton Graf,  


Final registration: 

21st of April 2023 


R4 € 130 per team 

(If the teams borrow their boats to the organizer, starting fee is 100€) 

Raiffeisenbank Wildalpen 

IBAN AT58 3812 9000 0301 3612, BIC RZSTAT2G129

Competition requirement: 

  • Registration: names of each team and participants (4+ substitute) and 20 € per  starting number (you get back if you give the starting number back to us) Safety equipment: own life jacket, helmet, flip line, knife 

Captains meeting: 

  • Friday, 28th of April 2023, in the evening 
  • Saturday 29th of April 2023, before the slalom 

Registration in Wildalpen: 

  • On, Friday 28th April 2023, 3 p.m. 


  • Chief Judge: Goran Lolić (BIH) 
  • Race Director: Anton Graf (AUT) 

o If there a Judges who plan to come to the event, please contact us. 


  • room reservation – Office Tourism Association Gesäuse / 

How to get there: 

Wildalpen is situated in the upper part of Styria near Mariazell. 

It is about 1h 30 driving hours away from Linz or Graz, and 2h from Salzburg or  Vienna. 

Google Maps Link 

Further information on the event:

As a reminder, we leave you links from previous competitions, how much fun and enjoyment there was:

en English